Beyond COP21 Symposium contributes a key ingredient to future success as a result of the historic Paris talks: the education and mobilisation of the youth and school communities. It links the Climate Crisis to the crucial role of, and action on, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through a platform which supports whole school engagement, community outreach and corporate responsibility.
Conceived, developed and facilitated by Peter Milne, Founder/Director of Target4Green, the symposium series was launched January 2016 in Dubai and is continuing to inspire students and teachers in schools across the world via a day of interactive discussions, workshops and an exhibition around the Beyond COP21 & SDGs agendas.
The Beyond COP 21 Symposium provides an ideal platform for:
- Strengthening students’ & teachers’ capacity to own climate and SDGs issues
- Fostering collaboration and action across and within national/local communities
- Confronting students & teachers with experts in these issues; companies and organisationsproviding solutions to local/global sustainable development issues; and developing greater respect for the environment
- Continuing and amplifying the dialogue through traditional and social media
- Directly supporting the SERVICE strand of the IB CAS Programme